5+ Ways to Track Your Progress

So, the scale stopped going down? Even worse, maybe it went up! One of the most difficult aspects of any weight loss or fitness journey is that the path to any goal is seldom linear. There are ups and downs, steps forward, steps backward and plateaus. It’s easy to stay motivated when the scale moves in the right direction. But what if you wake up one morning and the slow progress you’ve been working so hard to achieve seems like it disappeared? Don’t panic.

Here are 5+ ways you can track your progress without worrying about what the scale says!

Just Eat Clean: five pro-tips for better nutrition

We hear our coaches say it all the time and it sounds so simple.

“Just eat clean and exercise,” said every single coach I’ve ever talked to.

The exercise part is easy; DRiV has that part handled for us. We just have to show up to get a whole hour of world-class, coach-led fitness every single day if we want it. But what about nutrition? The hard part. How, exactly, does a person “eat clean?”